The new Mina Youth Hostel, near Fundão, is located in a beautiful mine village and boasts a unique industrial and residential archaeology. You can also visit the former Mine Mill o... [ + ]
Forte de São João de Deus - 5300-263 Bragança (Bragança, Bragança)
Phone | Fax | Rooms: 28 | Apartments: 1 |
This is a luxury Youth Hostel, because you deserve quality, and it is built on the beautiful lands of Trás-os-Montes, where nature is something else. Surely the fact that Bragança ... [ + ]
The Castelo Branco Youth Hostel is back, totally revamped and is brand new, waiting to be visited by you and your friends. Leave your luggage at the hostel and set out on the adven... [ + ]
The Youth Hostel of Foz Côa, opened in 1999, is the best starting point for a visit to the Archeological Park of the Côa Valley, with its collection of 30 thousand year-old stone-a... [ + ]
Rua Central, 818 - Termas de São Pedro do Sul - 3660-692 São Pedro do Sul (São Pedro do Sul, Viseu)
Phone | Fax | Rooms: 64 |
The Youth Hostel of São Pedro do Sul is located at a spa town in the province of Beira, near São Pedro do Sul, which is three kilometres (two miles) away from the hostel and 20 km ... [ + ]
Viseu has many interesting touristy and cultural points. As the district's capital, set on a plateau between a range of mountains where rivers like Paiva and Dão flow by, the town ... [ + ]