Rua Dr. Jo鉶 de Ornelas - 2510-074 觔idos (觔idos, Leiria)
Phone | Fax | Rooms: 34 |
Ideally located at the entrance of the historic town of 觔idos, Albergaria Josefa d'觔idos is just two kilometres awya from the train station and 70 km from the Lisbon airport. It ... [ + ]
Rua Dr. Jo鉶 de Ornelas - 2510-287 觔idos (觔idos, Leiria)
Phone | Fax | Rooms: 30 |
The Estalagem do Convento is located next to the entrance of the walled city of Obidos, surrounded by traditional buildings with white outer walls and blue edges. The Estalagem use... [ + ]
Albergaria P醫io das Margaridas ****
Estrada Nacional 8 - Senhora da Pedra - 2510-102 觔idos (觔idos, Leiria)
Phone | Fax | Rooms: 7 |
Albergaria Santo Ant髇io da Ba韆 ****
Rua dos Bombeiros Volunt醨ios - 2465-654 S鉶 Martinho do Porto (Alcoba鏰, Leiria)
Phone | Fax | Rooms: 22 |