Pensions and Boarding Houses (1) |

The county of Mação, lying in a zone of fair and vast fields once covered by cork-oaks and chestnut-trees and now by pine-woods, and with excellent thermal waters, is an ideal place for those wishing to rest and enjoy the beauties of nature.

It is also an extremely rich archaeological and paleontological area, as can be observed by the vestiges found across the region, including cromlechs (for example, at Foz do Rio Frio), rupestral engravings (the horse estimated to be 20,000 years old discovered near the Ocreza stream) or several ancient castles and fortresses (the Old Castle of Caratão, from the Bronze Age; the Saint Michael Castle, from the Iron Age).

This vast archaeological patrimony also includes important Roman remains: it is worth visiting bridges such as
Ponte da Ladeira (at Envendos) or the Roman archaeological station of Vale do Junco (at Ortiga).

Several mountains offer dazzling views and the county is crossed by the river Tagus and by dozens of brooks and streams. Visitors can admire the dense pine-woods and the hills covered with wild and odorous plants (thyme, rosemary and origan, among many others) and sheltering birds such as eagles, kites, partridges, crows and finches, besides foxes, badgers and hares.

Bees play an important role in the county's economy and the local honey is much appreciated.

It is possible to enjoy water sports at the dams of Ortiga and Ribeira Pracana (Envendos) or swim at the fluvial beach of the Ortiga Dam that blocks the flow of the Tagus.

The gastronomy is varied and includes excellent olives, hams, smoked sausages and also specialities such as kid roasted in a wood-burning oven, lamprey with rice and eel stew with bread.
Pensions and Boarding Houses (1) |