Hotels (3) |
Inns (2) |
Pensions and Boarding Houses (2) |
Manor & Farm Houses (4) |
Located on a fertile plateau between the rivers Dão and Mondego and facing the Estrela and Caramulo mountains, Mangualde boasts of an ancient history, confirmed by the existence of remains from the Neolithic period found at the zone, namely the dolmen at Cunha Baixa, dating from 3150-2750 B.C.
Over the centuries, the region was inhabited by Romans and Moors, and later chosen by many members of the Portuguese aristocracy to build beautiful manor-houses and small palaces.
The most remarkable is the Palace of the Counts of Anadia, from the 18th century, the most important monument of Mangualde and considered the most sumptuous stately house of the Beira region, having been classified as a national monument.
At the town of Mangualde, it is also worth visiting the Old Clock Tower, of medieval origin, the Miserichord Church (18th century, with a lavish interior decoration) and the Mother Church of Saint Julian (founded in the 13th and 14th centuries and displaying rich 18th-century gilded woodwork), besides the Sanctuary of Our Lady of the Castle, including a small chapel built in the 15th century to recall the battle fought at Trancoso against Spain; the sanctuary rises on the site of an ancient mosque and offers a wonderful panoramic view over the surrounding region.
At table, Mangualde boasts of several traditional specialities, such as
bacalhau dourado (golden cod), roast kid, sausages, Serra cheese and excellent Dão wines.
Local handicrafts include pottery, colourful carpets and the well-known embroideries of Tibaldinho, with their quaint and typical motifs.
Hotels (3) |
Inns (2) |
Pensions and Boarding Houses (2) |
Manor & Farm Houses (4) |